Wednesday, May 4, 2011


We have spent our last week in Africa in paradise, or otherwise called Zanzibar. We strolled through the streets which smelled of different spices like clove and cinnamon,  indulged in the delicious Swahili dishes, and achieved our open water SCUBA certification. We had four days filled with classes. The first day we sat in a class room where we watched PADI informational videos, so we would know what to do underwater. Then we took a test which we all passed.  The second day we spent learning skills in the pool. Bridget and Emily also watched the Royal wedding while scuba diving in the pool. The next two days we spent diving in the Indian Ocean, where we saw a variety of wild life. We found nemo, a few lion fish, unfortunately jelly fish, an eel, a sea turtle, an octopus and much more. After our fourth dive we were given our official card so we can now keep diving and exploring underwater!

We spent our final day in Zanzibar enjoying the Stone town. Which for many of us included going to the spa, going on a last minute shopping spree and having our final cups of Zanzibar spice tea. We were sad to leave the island, but excited to move on to the very last destination of our journey, Dar es Salaam. After a quick ferry ride, we arrived in Dar still having our sea legs. We spent the afternoon exploring the city and going to the markets. Later that night, we had a scrumptious, Thai/Indian/Chinese dinner. A dinner that was more like a feast. There was a random movie playing and since we've been deprived from television for so long we were glued to the wacky story line. Our last meal together was full of laughter. Tonight we fly out and we are all sad to leave, yet excited to see everyone back at home.
See you soon!,

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